Elid’s TCP/IP controllers’ rides on LAN / WAN network infrastructures. It provides an economical way to control doors or lifts requiring long cable runs or for remote offices and sites without the need for costly dial-up modems or cabling.

Every TCP/IP controller is able to hold between 20,000 to 100,000 cardholders and 100,000 transactions depending on the model used.

iSC (Integrated Security Control) access control system is the brand that Elid manufacture. With more than 20 years of experience in the security industry, the entire iSC range of readers and controllers are specially designed to meet the increasing needs of high security and automation control management.

Our TCP/IP Network Controllers:

  • iS800-NT
  • iS-DC
  • iS-8I/O
  • iS400-NT
  • iS200-NT

Click here to view the catalogue